Starting 1 July 2020, the EU has new rules. These rules are called DAC6. They require banks like ABN AMRO to report certain tax deals. These deals involve more than one country. The goal is to stop people from avoiding taxes.
On 25 June 2018, the European Union introduced a mandatory information exchange regime for cross-border arrangements. The so-called European Mandatory Disclosure Rules (“EU MDR”). These rules are included in a directive: the Directive on Administrative Cooperation 6, or “DAC6”.
DAC6 requires involved intermediaries such as ABN AMRO to report potentially tax-aggressive cross-border arrangements to the local tax authorities so that this information can be shared between the tax authorities of the EU Member States. The rules are very broadly defined. This sometimes also requires commercial transactions to be reported that do not result in a tax benefit.
The obligation to report lies primarily with the (auxiliary) intermediary. As a taxpayer, you may have to report potentially aggressive cross-border arrangements as well. This is the case when (a) an (auxiliary) intermediary from outside the European Union is involved in the arrangement, (b) an (auxiliary) intermediary involved in the arrangement has a right of non-disclosure and therefore does not need to report the construction or ( c) no (auxiliary) intermediary is involved at all.
You will find a list of hallmarks in the DAC6 guideline. If an arrangement has one or more of these characteristics and a cross-border element, the arrangements must be reported. For some hallmarks attributes, the arrangement must only be reported when the main purpose (or one of the main purposes) of the arrangement is to achieve a tax benefit. The hallmarks are established at European level and can therefore sometimes be explained in different ways in local legislation.
The (auxiliary) intermediary is obliged to report arrangements that meet the Hallmarks of DAC6. The obligation therefore lies primarily with the intermediary. Sometimes you have to report yourself (see above).
The basic principle is that an arrangement needs to be reported only once. If an (other) intermediary or client has made a report then the bank does no longer need to report. ABN AMRO must however store the reference number of that notification for documentation and evidence. If you are aware of the fact that another (auxiliary) intermediary makes a DAC6 report about a construction in which AAB is also involved, we would like to receive the reference number, to avoid reporting twice about the same arrangement.
The information reported to the Dutch Tax Authority (de Belastingdienst) is shared with the tax authorities of the EU Member States. Tax authorities of all EU Member States have access to the information stored in the central database. Tax authorities can use the information for an audit, for example, or they can ask questions about the reports.
In our privacy statement you can read how we handle your personal data. For example, you can find more information there about the security of your personal data.
When AAB has reported an arrangement that applies to you, we will inform you about this. You will then receive a description of the arrangement, the relevant Hallmarks and the so-called reference number that accompanies this notification. For specific questions about DAC6, please contact your relation manager.
More information about DAC6 can be found on the website of the Dutch Tax Authority (de Belastingdienst).