Do you want to transfer money to a bank account outside the SEPA region or in a currency other than the euro? Then, you will mostly need an IBAN and BIC. The IBAN is the International Bank Account Number belonging to the recipient to whom you want to transfer money. Instead of IBAN and BIC, you can sometimes choose the combination of bank code and (local) account number.
For a credit transfer to a bank account held at a bank outside SEPA, you always need the BIC of that specific bank. Ask the recipient to provide you the BIC. Does the recipient not know it? Use Swift’s online BIC search tool.
Suggestion: enter as many search criteria as possible in order to quickly find the right BIC. Do you get multiple results? Ask the recipient to check with their own bank which BIC must be used for a credit transfer.
Via Internet Banking or Access Online, you can transfer money to a bank account outside SEPA or in a currency other than the euro, at any given moment. You no longer need to enable the international credit transfer setting in Internet Banking. In the credit transfer initiation screen you simply select the recipient’s country and, if applicable, another currency. You will then automatically see what additional data need to be entered for this credit transfer. These data can differ per country. See the country-specific guidelines and instructions.
The payer might ask you for your IBAN and BIC. You can find your IBAN on your debit card or in the bank account overview in the ABN AMRO app, Internet Banking or Access Online.
Restrictions apply for credit transfers to certain countries, which means that credit transfers are not possible, or are processed with a delay. The restrictions may be imposed by the Dutch government, by a different country, by us or by another bank.
To find out more, check the Sanctions measures foreign countries page.