Many of our phone numbers have new opening hours. The correct times are listed below.
If you have any questions about opening an account, we will be happy to help you. Please have your bank card ready before you call so we can help you more quickly.
Please have your bank card ready before you call so we can help you more quickly.
Call Help with Banking 088 226 26 12
Available on:
Please have your bank card ready before you call so we can help you more quickly.
Do you want to log in to your online creditcard enviroment? Log in to Creditcard Online .
Do you want to contact ICS? Please have your bank card ready before you call so we can help you more quickly.
Stolen or lost credit card
Please have your bank card ready before you call so we can help you more quickly.
Please have your bank card ready before you call so we can help you more quickly.
Please have your bank card ready before you call so we can help you more quickly.
Reporting damage:
Please have your bank card ready before you call so we can help you more quickly.
Expats in the Netherlands
Are you an expat living in the Netherlands? Then contact us on: 0900 - 00 24 (Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 5.30 pm). Closed on Saturday, Sunday and holidays.
From abroad
Are you a resident of The Netherlands but calling from abroad? Then contact us on: +31 10 241 17 20 (normal call rates apply) (Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 5.30 pm). Closed on Saturday, Sunday and holidays.
Are you a non resident with an official address abroad? Then contact us on +31 (0)20 343 40 02 (calls charged at your standard rate) (Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 5.30 pm). Closed on Saturday, Sunday and holidays.
Becoming an expat client
Please contact the Expat appointment desk on +31 (0)20 343 44 22 (Monday to Friday from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm) Closed on Saturday, Sunday and holidays.
Did we ask you to check and confirm your personal data and potentially provide your ID as well? Find out more about checking your personal data.
Prefer to call us? Please have your bank card ready before you call so we can help you more quickly.
Please have your bank card ready before you call so we can help you more quickly. Alternatively, you can notify us of your loved one’s death online.
If you have any questions regarding your Annual Financial Summary, you can find more information in our FAQ. Is your questions not listed? Please contact us. Please have your bank card ready before you call so we can help you more quickly.
The Payments Service Desk can be reached on working days from 8.00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. by calling +31 (0)20 - 629 80 77.
Available on:
Closed on: