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View-only Session

For secure, fast help

If you’re having trouble using Internet Banking, our advisers are here to help. A view-only session lets us join you in your Internet Banking environment, with your permission. Choosing this solution means faster, more targeted help. We can only start a view-only session if you call ABN AMRO, not the other way round. We’ll be able to view your screen, but we can’t actually do anything. You can end the session whenever you want. So it’s all secure.

View-only session in 3 steps

First give permission

The first thing you see when you start a session is a screen asking for permission

Our adviser will view the screen with you

You’ll see a purple frame around your screen. This means that the adviser has joined you

The adviser will then give you instructions via the screen

You’ll notice that part of your screen lights up 

First give permission

The first thing you see when you start a session is a screen asking for permission

Our adviser will view the screen with you

You’ll see a purple frame around your screen. This means that the adviser has joined you

The adviser will then give you instructions via the screen

You’ll notice that part of your screen lights up 

Good to know about a view-only session

  • We can only start a view-only session if you call ABN AMRO, never the other way round.
  • You are the only person who can give permission to start a view-only session in Internet Banking. Once you’re in touch with our adviser, scroll down and you’ll see the button 'View-only session’ at the bottom right of your screen.
  • A view-only session is only possible in the secure Internet Banking environment, so that you can be sure that you are connected to ABN AMRO.
  • The connection during a view-only session is encrypted and complies with the most stringent security standards, so your details are always protected and private.
  • We would never ask you to install software (such as AnyDesk, TeamViewer or LogMeIn) that allows us to remotely control your computer, tablet or smartphone. So you don’t need to download anything.
  • Our adviser can only view your screen in Internet Banking and can’t see any other screens. You are always in control of your computer.
  • Our adviser may give you instructions via the screen, and you‘ll notice that part of the screen lights up.
  • If you confirm a task with your e.dentifier (a transfer, for example), we will not be able to see the codes, so your privacy is guaranteed.
  • And we would never ask you for passwords, PINs, signing codes or usernames.
This is Kathelijne. She is Fraud and Security Expert at ABN AMRO.

7 tips for banking more securely

Our Fraud and Security Expert answers 4 questions about banking securely on your telephone, and explains what goes on behind the scenes. To find out what you can do yourself, check out Kathelijne’s 7 tips.