Do you want to buy or sell investments for Self Directed Investing Basic or Self Directed Investing Plus? Here we show you how to place an order in just a few steps:
Make sure you are well prepared before you start investing:
Log in with your identification code or fingerprint to enter your account overview.
Click on your Self Directed Investing account.
Here you can see, among other things, the value and the results of your portfolio. Click on ‘Find product’.
Choose between investment funds, shares or ETFs. Search by name (or a part thereof) or scroll through the list. Click on the desired investment.
If you want to buy the investment, click on ‘Buy’.
We are legally obliged to record your knowledge and experience of investing. You can do this via Internet Banking. Click on ‘Next’ here and continue with placing your order. Then go to your investment portfolio in Internet Banking to record your knowledge and experience.
For investment funds:
You will see when the order will be executed
For shares or ETFs:
Check your order, click on ‘Next’ and confirm with your identification code or fingerprint.
In your portfolio overview, click on the investment you want to sell. Then click on ‘Sell’.
For shares and ETFs, you specify the amount, limit and term.
For investment funds you choose whether you want to:
Log in to enter your account overview.
Click on your Self Directed Investing Account.
Click on ‘New order’ in your portfolio overview.
Choose between investment funds, shares or ETFs. Search by name (or a part thereof) or scroll through the list. Click on the desired investment.
If you want to buy the investment, click on ‘Buy’.
For investment funds:
For shares or ETFs:
We are legally obliged to record your knowledge and experience of investing. You do this in your portfolio overview. If you want to proceed with your order now, click on ‘Continue’.
Check your order, click on ‘Next’ and confirm with your Mobile Banking app.
In your portfolio overview, click on the investment you want to sell.
For shares and ETFs, you specify the amount, limit and term.
For investment funds you choose whether you want to: