If you have bonds and structured products, you must be aware of the possibility of a 'bail-in' under the European Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD). The government can decide on a 'bail-in' if it wants to save a bank from the threat of bankruptcy, for example. This means that the bank in question must wholly or partially postpone or even stop paying interest and repayment on the bonds or structured products it has issued. But even if the bank avoids bankruptcy, as an investor you may still lose some of your right to repayment of the principal amount. By instigating a 'bail-in', the government needs to fork out less (or no) taxpayer money to prevent the bank from going bankrupt. In European countries, it is usually the central banks that implement a bail-in; in the case of the Netherlands, this is De Nederlandsche Bank. A lot of non-European countries have a similar arrangement.