
U bent succesvol uitgelogd.

De 5 Profielfondsen van Begeleid Beleggen

The ABN AMRO ESG Profile Funds

You can choose from these 5 funds in Guided Investing

Guided Investing

  • Experts manage the investment fund
  • Help when choosing an ABN AMRO ESG Profile Fund
  • Get started in less than 5 minutes
  • You can start with as little as €20

Guided Investing enables you to invest independently in one of ABN AMRO’s ESG Profile Funds. There are 5 investment funds, which are all managed by expert fund managers. Every fund has its own characteristics and risks. You receive online assistance when choosing your ABN AMRO ESG Profile Fund. Please note, this not an investment advice.

Choose the fund that is right for you

ABN AMRO ESG Profile Fund Defensive

  • Invests mostly in bonds
  • Recommended investment period in this fund: at least 5 years
  • Return of 5.99% during the last 5 years (cumulative)
  • Returns in the last 5 years: 2.11% (2020), 3.94% (2021), -12.16% (2022), 7.35% (2023), 5.91% (2024)

ABN AMRO ESG Profile Fund Moderately Defensive

  • Invests in bonds, shares and alternative investments
  • Recommended investment period in this fund: at least 7 years
  • Return of 11.14% during the last 5 years (cumulative)
  • Returns in the last 5 years: 1.68% (2020), 7.85% (2021), -12.76% (2022), 8.31% (2023), 7.26% (2024)

ABN AMRO ESG Profile Fund Moderately Aggressive

  • Invests in shares, bonds and alternative investments
  • Recommended investment period in this fund: at least 10 years
  • Return of 19.82% during the last 5 years (cumulative)
  • Returns in the last 5 years: 2.07% (2020), 13.00% (2021), -13.48% (2022), 9.62% (2023), 9.53% (2024)

ABN AMRO ESG Profile Fund Aggressive

  • Invests mainly in shares
  • Recommended investment period in this fund: at least 12 years
  • Return of 27.93% during the last 5 years (cumulative)
  • Returns in the last 5 years: 1.86% (2020), 18.29% (2021), -14.52% (2022), 11.04% (2023), 11.86% (2024)

ABN AMRO ESG Profile Fund Very Aggressive

  • Invests mainly in shares
  • Recommended investment period in this fund: at least 15 years
  • Return of 35.84% during the last 5 years (cumulative)
  • Returns in the last 5 years: 1.15% (2020), 22.31% (2021), -13.66% (2022), 12.12% (2023), 13.42% (2024)


Source: ABN AMRO Investment Solutions, Morningstar. Compound return from 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2024, in euros and after deduction of fees. Net dividends reinvested (if applicable). Based on a geometrical calculation method. The value of your investments can vary. Past results are not indicative of future results.

Our cumulative results

This graph shows you what your return would have been, if you had, for example, made a one-off investment of €1,000 in one of the five funds on 1 January 2020.

Source: ABN AMRO Investment Solutions, Morningstar. Compound return from 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2024, in euros and after deduction of fees. Net dividends reinvested (if applicable). Based on a geometrical calculation method. The value of your investments can vary. Past results are not indicative of future results.

Online assistance when making your choice

Online assistance available

Once you have applied for Guided Investing, you will have access to the online assistance tool in the Mobile Banking app or on Internet Banking. The tool can tell you which fund best suits your needs based on the target amount, investment amount and investment horizon you indicate.

Please note: this is indicative and not investment advice

We do not provide investment advice through this tool and you must always personally decide which ABN AMRO ESG Profile Fund suits you best. If the tool suggests a profile fund with a risk profile that you find unacceptable, you will need to adjust your criteria.

Tip: revisit your decision

Be sure to consider whether the ABN AMRO ESG Profile Fund you selected still matches your situation and goals at least once a year. You should also review your investments if your personal situation changes significantly, e.g. in the event of divorce or long-term sickness.