Recognising fraud
Learn to recognise the different types of fraud.
ABN AMRO has joined forces with other banks and the Dutch consumer’s association to draw up five rules for secure banking. Sticking to these security rules is the best possible way to protect your money from scammers. Watch the video (in Dutch) in which we explain these important rules and find out what you should and shouldn’t do to keep your banking secure.
Your PIN and your 5-digit identification code are examples of security codes. You are the only person allowed to use these codes. Make sure that nobody else finds out your codes.
Only use your debit card and credit card yourself. Don’t let anyone distract you while you’re using your cards and always keep them in a safe place. Also check on a regular basis that you’ve still got your cards.
Always run security updates on your computer, tablet and smartphone. Use an up-to-date virus scanner and legal software. Also set up an access code and log out once you've finished your banking.
Be sure to check your bank statements at least once every 2 weeks, either online or on paper. Look out for any transfers you didn’t authorise.
If you see anything suspicious or think you’ve been scammed, please let us know right away what happened, so that we can help you.
The five security rules were compiled by Dutch banks and the Dutch consumers’ association. They are clear rules that everyone can stick to, no matter which bank you use. After all, security is important to all banks.