Do you want to use a Dutch credit card? Whether you’re shopping online or just want to pay for your purchases in a shop, using a credit card makes your payments easy and secure, wherever you are in the world. What’s more, your purchases are then insured against theft, loss and damage. Sound good to you? Apply for your credit card in the Netherlands now.
All purchases you make with your credit card are insured against theft, loss and damage for at least 180 days. And all our credit cards include a delivery guarantee.
You get flight delay insurance and luggage delay insurance on all trips you book with your credit card.
You can use your credit card to pay for your purchases anywhere in the world, both online and in the shops. And you can make contactless payments.
You must be 18 or older to apply for a credit card.
Your net monthly income is at least €1,150, or a minimum freely taxable capital in box 3 of € 20,000 is required. This means that you will not qualify for a credit card if you are on unemployment benefits.