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Country-specific guidelines Russia


Country code



RUB (Russian Ruble)

Sanctions Russia

ABN AMRO is closely monitoring the situation with regard to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The bank implements sanctions, as published by the European Union, among others. Payments to or from Russia will be limited and processed subject to conditions. Would you like to know more about the impact on the payment system? Check out the page about the war in Ukraine and your banking.

Beneficiary bank details

A Bank Identification Code (BIC) or a Bank Clearing Code (BCC) is required for a payment to a bank in Russia, depending on the currency:

To transfer a payment in RUB to a bank in Russia

To make a payment in RUB to a bank in Russia, a Bank Clearing Code (BCC) or also called BIK, is required. This code consists of 9 characters.

To transfer a payment in another currency to Russia

To make a payment in a different currency to a bank in Russia, a Bank Identification Code (BIC) is required. This is also known as a SWIFT address.

Beneficiary details

It is recommended to use an IBAN when transferring to Russia, in addition, it is also possible to use an account number:

  • An IBAN in Russia consists of 33 characters.
  • An account number in Russia consists of 20 characters.


These international transfers are subject to private transfer fees and business transfer fees . If you choose for the OUR option, the beneficiary will not be charged anything by their bank. ABN AMRO Bank charges an OUR fee for this.


Processing time

Do you want to know when the money will be in the beneficiary's account? Then check what the processing times for payments are. And for more details per currency type, check out this overview .

The conditions for a payment to Russia

For a transfer to a bank account in Russia, it is mandatory to mention a Purpose code/VO code and also an INN code or KIO code.

  • Purpose code/VO code indicates the reason for payment. See below 'List of Purpose codes Russia'
  • INN code is the beneficiary's tax identification number. INN consists of 10 digits INNxxxxxxxxxx (for legal persons) or 12 digits INNxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (for natural persons). It is granted to any resident of the Russian Federation and any non-resident registered by the Russian tax authorities.
  • The KIO code is an identification code for foreign companies/banks that are not established in Russia, but are registered with the tax authorities. The KIO code is given instead of the INN code at the time of payment. The KIO code consists of 5 digits (KIOxxxxx).

If you use Internet Banking (business) or Access Online Classic

Enter the Purpose code/VO code and the INN code or KIO code at the beginning of the description field. It is allowed to add a description after the mandatory description mentioned above.

If you are using Access Online Renewed

Select the reason for payment in the field 'Purpose code'. Then enter the INN code or KIO code in the description field at the beginning of the description.