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Add your child's account to your overview

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You have opened an account for your child and the application has been processed. Congratulations! See how to add your child's account to your own account overview.

How to add your child's account to your own overview


  1. First go to your profile
  2. Then go to 'Account overview'
  3. Tick the box next to your child's account

Internet Banking

  1. Go to Configuring Internet Banking account overview .
  2. You can drag the account to 'Visible in overview'.

Defining the account settings together

As a parent, you naturally want your child to grow up to be a happy adult who can stand on his own two feet financially. You should therefore determine together with your child what is and what is not possible with the Young Person's Growth Account. Such as setting a payment limit, disabling online purchases or getting a notification when your child makes a payment.

Frequently asked questions

You will need the following details to open a Young Person’s Growth Account for your child:

  • Your ABN AMRO bank account number.
  • Your child's Citizen Service Number (BSN). You will find this number on your child's identity document.

There are 2 bank accounts available for children under 18. The Children's Bank Account is available for children from 0 to 11 years old. Children aged 12 to 18 can get started with the Young Person's Bank Account.

When you have added your child's account in your overview of the ABN AMRO app, it will not automatically appear in the Internet Banking overview. Follow these 3 steps in Internet Banking to add your child's account here as well:

  1. Go to  Configuring Internet Banking account overview .
  2. You can drag the account to 'Visible in overview'.