Proof of ID at ABN AMRO
Once your child has turned 18, we’ll need them to provide proof of their identity and a signature. You’ll get a letter about this. Your child can take care of this quickly and easily in the ABN AMRO app after their birthday. All they need to do is open the app and go to ‘Profile’, ‘Personal data’ and ‘Identity data - Change’.
Jongerengroeirekening will be converted to a Student Package
If your child has a Jongerengroeirekening, we’ll automatically convert it into a free Student Package at the start of the first month following their 18th birthday. The account number and debit card will stay the same. The Student Package is free, even if your child is not going to study.
If your child also has a personal account, they will be charged fees from their 18th birthday. Take a look at the fees page to see how much a current account costs per month. To avoid paying the fees, simply close the account.
KidsToekomst savings account and KinderBonus savings account will be closed
If your child has a KinderToekomst savings account, we’ll close the account in January after your child turns 18. Any savings, including the basic and bonus interest, will be transferred to another ABN AMRO savings account in your child’s name.
If your child has a KinderBonus savings account, we will transfer the savings, including the basic and bonus interest, to another ABN AMRO savings account in their name in the month following their 18th birthday.
If your child doesn’t yet have a savings account, we’ll open one for them.