Many taxpayers assume that the pre-filled information in their 2024 tax return is already correct. However, it is always a good idea to check your return carefully and provide any missing details. For example, are you sure you’ve made use of all your deductible items and tax credits? These are not all filled in automatically.
And if you had to deal with an important change in your personal situation in 2024, pay extra attention to your tax return in that case too.
Most deductible items are not automatically filled in on the income tax return. You can deduct some expenses from your income so that you end up paying less income tax. Things you can deduct include medical expenses, donations and costs relating to your own home (this needs special attention if you are divorced). You will find the most common deductions described on the website of the Tax and Customs Administration .
If you have had a major change in your personal situation, you should keep in mind that special tax rules may apply. This can make matters more complicated, resulting in taxpayers sometimes making mistakes. This concerns the following situations:
The information on our website about submitting your tax return applies to people who are liable for tax in the Netherlands . If you have not received an ‘aangiftebrief’ (notice of obligation to submit a tax return), or do not know whether you need to submit a tax return, check with the Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst).