Everyone is seeing their spending go up these days, with rising energy bills and the weekly shop becoming more expensive. It can be helpful to talk to someone about it, if you have less money left over at the end of the month, for instance, you don’t always manage to pay your bills on time or you have set yourself a savings goal.
You can easily schedule an appointment yourself via Internet Banking at a time that suits you
We will go over your finances together and give you tips on how to get a better grip on your finances and where you can save
You can easily schedule an appointment yourself via Internet Banking at a time that suits you
We will go over your finances together and give you tips on how to get a better grip on your finances and where you can save
The financial health coach will go over your finances with you in detail:
You can talk to a financial health coach about your finances if you bank with ABN AMRO. It is intended as a way to help you get answers to any questions you have and/or get a better grip on your finances. It can also be of help when a major change in your life is causing you to struggle to pay your bills. Or if you want to reach a certain savings goal and would like someone to take a look at it with you.
Better grip on your finances. After the session, you will know how to make savings and whether you are entitled to benefits.
On top of that, clients who have already used this service said that a session with a financial health coach gave them peace of mind and a sense of control. They now have more confidence in themselves when it comes to getting and keeping their finances in order.
And did you know that after only a few months, 10% of clients who had a session with a budget coach have more money left over at the end of the month than they did before they talked to the coach?
A session with a financial health coach is free of charge.