Want to cut back on your fixed costs? If you take a little time, you can often find better options when it comes to prices and terms and conditions. Take insurance, for example. Our Savings Coach would be happy to help you look for opportunities to make savings. A session with a Savings Coach is free of charge.
Make your own appointment on Internet Banking for whenever it suits you.
During an online session, you explore and compare prices and terms and conditions for your fixed costs, such as insurance policies.
If you find opportunities for making savings, you need to think about whether you want to switch providers.
Make your own appointment on Internet Banking for whenever it suits you.
During an online session, you explore and compare prices and terms and conditions for your fixed costs, such as insurance policies.
If you find opportunities for making savings, you need to think about whether you want to switch providers.
You will talk to the Savings Coach online through Video Banking. You’ll look into the following fixed costs: insurance policies, television and internet, SIM only phone contract and loans.
During the session, you’ll go into details of these fixed costs, explain which insurance policies you have, for example, and what they cost. You can also authorise the Savings Coach to view your transactions.
They will then compare the prices and terms and conditions of your fixed costs with various other providers, as well as ABN AMRO. You’ll talk about this information together,* but it’s up to you to decide what you do with it.
*Please note: this information is not intended to be advice.
Perhaps you’ve lost track of things, or you think you could cut back but you aren’t sure where, or maybe you’re just interested in hearing about your options.
After the session, you’ll know exactly where you can cut back. It’s up to you to decide whether you do this or not.
The only condition is that you’re a client of ABN AMRO.
The session is free for ABN AMRO clients.