New legal form
Report a change of legal form via Internet Banking Business (in Dutch)
If the legal form of your organisation has changed, you can use this page to report this change to us. This ensures that we have an accurate record of the details of your organisation.
For example, because you're a new director, or because you use Access Online?
Then please report your change via the online form (in Dutch).
You can report a new legal form via Internet Banking Business. If you don't have access to Internet Banking Business, please use the online form instead (in Dutch). If your change concerns a merger or division, you should report your change via a different form, which you'll find at the top of this page under Merger or division.
Please complete the entire form in one go. This will take bout 20 minutes. It is not possible to save the form before you finish.
Make sure you have the following information at hand when reporting a change of legal form:
Call us from the app and get insight in the waiting times.
See all our phone numbers and opening times
Call us from the app and get insight in the waiting times.
See all our phone numbers and opening times