The range of hedge funds at ABN AMRO consists of different types of hedge funds and offers single manager funds and multi manager funds, also known as funds of hedge funds. ABN AMRO preferably offers investors fund-of-funds (FOF). Such solutions give you access to a hedge fund portfolio with a good spread over various strategies, including absolute return and short-selling. ABN AMRO continuously monitors these hedge funds.
If you invest independently with ABN AMRO, you can only invest in hedge funds through Self-directed Investing Plus. You can buy and sell hedge funds using the ABN AMRO app, Internet Banking, or My Dealingroom.
Learn how to place an order with the ABN AMRO app and Internet Banking
Discover the possibilities of My Dealingroom
Before you can invest in hedge funds with ABN AMRO, we ask that you first complete a knowledge test. You can take this test via Internet Banking, and you will receive an invitation for it when you apply for Self-directed Investing Plus with us. If you pass this test, you have sufficient knowledge to invest in hedge funds. If you do not pass, investing in hedge funds may not be suitable for you. In that case, you will not be able to place orders in hedge funds.