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Frequently Asked Questions


Use your personal card number to register your wearable in the online shop or in the relevant app. The digital debit card creates a secure link between your current account and the wearable. You need to activate the wearable before you can use it. Find out how.

The card number is a unique code that ABN AMRO has linked to your debit card. It is not the number that is printed on your debit card, nor is it your IBAN. It is a 19-digit number starting with 6734 000x xxxx xxxx xxx. In the future, this card number will also be printed on the back of your debit card. The wearable supplier needs your card number to link the wearable to your current account. This is done in a secure environment, so your supplier cannot see your card number.

Log in to Internet Banking or the ABN AMRO app to get your personal card number. .

The digital debit card on a wearable has a validity period of three years. This means that you can pay using your wearable for up to three years after you made the purchase. If you want to continue making contactless payments using your wearable after this period, take action before the expiry date.

Garmin and Fitbit Pay wearables

Using the Garmin or Fitbit Pay app, you can renew the digital debit card on your wearable yourself.

You can find the expiry date of the digital debit card on your wearable in the ABN AMRO app:

  1. Log into the ABN AMRO app.
  2. Tap 'Profile'.
  3. Tap 'Debit cards and wearables'.
  4. Tap the wearable for which you want to check the digital debit card expiry date.
  5. You will now see the expiry date of the digital debit card on this wearable.


ABN AMRO does not sell wearables, but does enable secure payments using a wearable. Take a look at our overview to find out which wearables we support. These wearables meet the Mastercard certification requirements for reliable and secure payments.

This works in the same way as contactless payments with your debit card. Simply hold the wearable up to the payment terminal to make a contactless payment. These payments will be debited straight from your current account.

You can make payments with your wearable wherever you can currently make contactless payments using your existing debit card. There are already almost 40 million contactless payment terminals all over the world.

Yes, you can make payments up to a limit of €2500 per day. Note: the limit has been increased from a maximum of €250 to €2500 per day. Did you previously have a maximum limit of €250 per day? If so, remove your digital payment card from your wearable and recreate it. This way, you can take advantage of the higher daily limit.

You need to enter your PIN on the payment terminal to confirm amounts over €50. The PIN for your passive wearable is the same as the one you use for your debit card. No PIN is needed for payments below €50. You can make consecutive contactless payments up to €100 each day without having to enter your PIN.

The following applies to a smartwatch: in order to make payments, you will need to enter your PIN on your wearable every 24 hours or after having taken it off. You select this PIN yourself in the supplier’s wearable app. To make payments, simply press the activation button on your wearable, select the wallet and then enter your PIN.


Security is just as important to us as it is to you, so we have made sure that payments using your wearable are just as secure as payments you make with your existing debit card. You can also easily block your wearable on Internet Banking or the ABN AMRO app.


Never share your PIN with other people!

If you lose your wearable, you can easily block or unblock it on Internet Banking or in the ABN AMRO app. Find out how.

Got my wearable. What now?

Has your wearable been delivered to your home? First, you need to log in through the ABN AMRO app or Internet Banking and activate your wearable. Make sure you have your serial number ready. This 20-digit number is provided with your wearable and contains both numbers and letters. NB: this serial number is only valid for 30 days from the time you ordered your wearable, so be sure to activate your wearable on time! Find out how to activate your wearable.

Once you have activated your wearable, you can easily block or unblock it on Internet Banking or in the ABN AMRO app. Find out how.

Log in to Internet Banking or the ABN AMRO app to remove your wearable. Find out how.

Please note:

Once you have removed your wearable, you will be charged if you want to link it to your account again. This is because the suppliers incur costs when they link your wearable.

Go to the website where you bought your wearable to check the warranty. Be sure to remove your wearable in Internet Banking or the ABN AMRO app before sending it back to the supplier. Find out how.

If you enter an incorrect PIN 3 times, your wearable and debit card will be blocked. Log in to Internet Banking or the ABN AMRO app to unblock your debit card and wearable. Find out how.

Please note:

The wearable will not be listed as blocked on your ‘My wearables’ page, as it is your debit card that is blocked.


The digital debit card is free of charge. You can link multiple wearables to your current account. Check the rates.

Product features and terms and conditions


  • are an ABN AMRO or ABN AMRO MeesPierson customer;
  • are over the age of 16 years;
  • have an ABN AMRO current account with Internet Banking access and/or the ABN AMRO app, and a debit card.

If you only have an ABN AMRO business account, you unfortunately cannot link a wearable to your current account.

Read the terms and conditions carefully before you make payments using your wearable.