The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a unique code by which an entity can be identified worldwide. Entities include individuals that perform economic activities, such as one-man businesses.
The LEI enables regulators to identify the parties that enter into derivatives transactions in the financial markets. It is mandatory to have a valid LEI for the duration of your transaction.
Entities need a LEI for both OTC derivative transactions and exchange traded derivative transactions in order to be able to comply with the EMIR reporting obligation. To be able to report correctly, you also need the LEI of ABN AMO.
LEI | Clearing category | |
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. | BFXS5XCH7N0Y05NIXW11 | 2 |
ABN AMRO Clearing Bank N.V. | G8ZTNESVNKW4NN761W05 | 1 |