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Common mistakes with SEPA

All SEPA files with SEPA credit transfer batches or SEPA direct debit batches must include the correct fields (‘tags’). Read this summary of the most common mistakes when submitting SEPA batches, and how you can solve them.


The ‘Control Sum’ and ‘Number of Transactions’ tags are missing

The ‘Control Sum’ (‘CtrlSum’) and ‘Number of Transactions’ (NbOfTxs) tags must be included at both file and batch level. They are often forgotten or contain an incorrect value. If you submit a file and/or batch with missing or incorrect tags, you will see a warning. You should amend your file and/or batch as soon as possible. All incorrect files and/or batches will soon always be rejected.

Incorrect document tag

Enter the correct value for the scheme concerned.

Incorrect use of upper and lower case letters

ID instead of Id, for example.

Incorrect use of spaces

Before or after values, for example.

Spelling mistakes

Unstrd instead of Ustrd, for example.

Empty fields

Complete optional fields or remove them, but don’t leave them empty.

Date field incorrectly completed

In DateTime format instead of Date format, for example, or vice versa.

Use of incorrect tags

Purp instead of CtgyPurp, for example.

Incorrect sequence type in SEPA direct debit batches

Make a distinction between the sequence types ‘one-off’ and ‘recurrent’ and submit them as separate batches. Using sequence types ‘first’ and ‘final’ is optional. If you do use these sequence types, they should be submitted as separate batches too. Consult the ABN AMRO Addendum for SDD to learn more about submitting direct debit instructions with the correct sequence type.