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Upload SEPA and non-SEPA files

Are you about to send a salary batch or multiple direct debit instructions? This is how you can upload these batches via Internet Banking Business.

  1. Login

    Would you like to upload a file with a credit transfer batch or a direct debit batch? Then use the button below and log in with the e.dentifier. Here you can upload directly.

  2. Add a file

    1. You see the screen SEPA and non-SEPA file upload.
    2. Drag a file to the white box at the top of the screen or click on 'browse for a file'.

    If you use the Accounting Link, the Business Account Payment API, or Corporate Payment Services to submit SEPA files, you will see them listed here under 'Files to process'. Batches submitted in this way before 4 March 2025 can be found in the old screen for importing SEPA files. Click the button below and log in with the e.dentifier to go to the old screen.

  3. Choose a file

    1. Click on the file you want to upload.
    2. Click ‘Open’.
  4. Check details

    You can now see the file listed under 'Files to process'. The number indicates how many files are there.

    For each file, the status is displayed. For this particular file, it is 'To accept'.

    Click on the file to see the details

    Has the file been rejected? If so, click on the batch(es) and/or transactions to see exactly what went wrong. Adjust the file in your own accounting system. Tip: First check your revised file using SwiftMyStandards.

  5. One or several batches

    If there is only one batch in the file, you will immediately see the batch details. If there are multiple batches in the file, you will first see an overview of the batches. Click on the batch to view the details.

  6. View and verify transactions

    1. You can see how many transactions the batch contains. You also see a list of all transactions in the batch. Click on a transaction to view the details.
    2. With the help of the 'Hash', you can verify if the batch is the same as the one you created in your accounting system. You can find the Hash at the bottom of the list of batch details.
  7. Accept or delete

    When you click on a transaction, you will see the details on the right side of the screen.

    You can delete the transaction if you wish.

  8. Accept a batch

    If the batch is correct, click on 'Accept batch'. If the batch is not correct, click on 'Delete batch'.

    Batches submitted via the Accounting Link, the Business Account Payment API, or Corporate Payment Services do not need to be accepted. You can approve them immediately or delete them if the batch is incorrect.

  9. Approve

    To send the batch, click on 'Approve batch'.

    Click on 'Delete batch' if it is not correct and you do not want to send the batch.

  10. Approve and send

    1. Use the e.dentifier to approve the batch and enter the response. Note: to approve batches, you must also be logged in with the e.dentifier.
    2. Then click on 'Send'.
  11. Tasklist

    You can also approve and send batches via the 'New task list'.

    This is especially useful if you are only authorized to approve and send batches that someone else has uploaded, or those submitted via the Accounting Link, the Business Account Payment API, or Corporate Payment Services.

  12. Locate a sent batch

    After approving and sending, you will see the batch listed under 'Sent batches and transactions'.

    You will notice that the status has changed. Click on the batch to view the details.