
U bent succesvol uitgelogd.

man and woman standing next to broken car

Additional cover options

Car insurance

On the road without worries. Choose your coverage and complete your car insurance with additional cover. Options include breakdown assistance in the Netherlands or abroad. Our additional cover options give you that extra peace of mind.

Schadeverzekering inzittenden

Cover against damage suffered by passengers

Unfortunately, a car accident can happen at any time. Cover yourself and your passengers against damage suffered due to an accident involving your car. Personal injury or damage to possessions will be covered for up to €1,000,000 per event, even when you are personally liable.
Ongevallenverzekering inzittenden

Passenger accident insurance

Imagine you or one of your passengers were to become permanently disabled due to a car accident. Or imagine that someone dies. You’ll want decent insurance in those cases. Get up to €20,000 per passenger in the event of permanent disability or €7,500 per passenger in the event of death.
Pechhulp Nederland

Breakdown assistance NL

Your car breaking down is always annoying. With breakdown assistance NL, we’ll have you back on your way in no time. Even when your car fails close to where you live. If you are en route to somewhere and your car cannot be repaired immediately by the side of the road, we will arrange alternative transport for you. Easy and convenient! Breakdown assistance is available 24/7.
Pechhulp buitenland

Breakdown assistance abroad

Having your car break down while you’re on holiday is always a massive inconvenience. With our breakdown assistance abroad cover, you can be sure you’ll get great roadside assistance. If it will take longer than 24 hours to repair your car, you will get a courtesy car for a maximum of 3 weeks. And when the driver is no longer able to drive, we will help you with travel arrangements.
Callcenter male

Car legal expenses: legal assistance in the event of a dispute

In the unfortunate event that someone else causes damage to you and/or your car, you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation. With car legal expenses insurance, you can rely on the kind of legal assistance that you will often need in this kind of situation to recover damages from another party. This way, you’re not on your own when you, for example, have sustained permanent injury.

conflict with two cars

Extended replacement value or purchase value

If your car is under 1 year old, you can extend the replacement value by 1 or 2 years.  You can then use that amount to buy the same car. This option is available only with limited or comprehensive cover.

A car is a major purchase. It is always comforting to know that it is properly insured. That is why you can opt for extended replacement value or purchase value when taking out your insurance. In the event of theft or total loss, you will receive the purchase value or the new value of the car. Your car must meet a number of conditions for this coverage.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, that's possible. You can take out additional cover directly with an insurance policy or at a later time. You decide. Additional cover can be cancelled at any time.

No, additional cover is not mandatory, but can be useful in some situations.