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Car insurance security classes

Security classes

With a well-secured car you have less chance of burglary or theft. Many cars have built-in electronic security to prevent car theft or burglary. Do you still have damage due to burglary, theft or an attempt to do so, despite the correct security? Then you have no deductible.


The Dutch Motor Vehicle Certification Association (Stichting Certificering Motorrijtuigen, SCM) has defined different security classes. If there are no compulsory Kiwa/SCM security measures for your car, your insurance policy will pay out in case of theft. If your car is not adequately secured, you will pay an excess of 2.5% of the car’s list price (subject to a minimum of €375).

Many cars have a built-in electronic security system to prevent theft and break-ins. SCM has defined different security classes. The following security requirements apply to ABN AMRO’s car insurance for the third-party liability + limited cover and third-party liability + comprehensive cover options:

Security: SCM class 3 alarm system with tilt sensor 

  • SUV with a list price of €35,000 or more
  • Passenger car with a list price of €50,000 or more
  • Convertible
  • Off-road vehicle
  • Sports car
  • Car with over €7,500 worth of non-factory fitted accessories

Security: SCM class 4+ alarm system with tilt sensor (Kiwa-SCM approved) and a vehicle tracking system with jamming detection or Kiwa-SCM approved vehicle tracking system

  • Car with a list price of €125,000 or more

Discount on Clifford SCM security systems

ABN AMRO customers qualify for a €100 discount on Clifford SCM security systems. To find your nearest Clifford dealer, simply check www.clifford.nl/voertuigbeveiliging-voor-abn-amro-klanten  (in Dutch). You can also make an application directly on that site. A Clifford employee will then contact you to make an appointment.

Sound security for your keyless car

Nowadays a lot of cars have a smart key, rather than a traditional one, so you can open your car easily. Unfortunately, thieves can too, thanks to their special equipment that picks up the signal emitted by your key. This increases the risk of theft, so be sure to keep a protective cover on your smart key to block the signal adequately. If you would like a free protective cover, e-mail your name, address and policy number to servicepoint.aav@abnamroverzekeringen.nl.