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Citizen service number (BSN)

The citizen service number (in Dutch: burgerservicenummer or BSN) is a unique personal number that is used for contact between citizens and the government. All banks in the Netherlands are required by law to have the BSN of their customers. For example, we need your BSN to share financial information, such as account balances or your assets, with the government. 

On this page you will find more information about the BSN. We also explain how you can safely provide your BSN. 

Providing your BSN when applying as a customer

When you become a customer at ABN AMRO, we will ask you to take a picture of your proof of identity (ID). In most cases, we will then automatically receive your BSN, as this number is stated on your ID. Do you not have a Dutch ID when applying as a customer? Then we will not receive your BSN automatically. In that case, we will ask you to enter your BSN yourself at a later time.

Do you not have a BSN yet?

If you will be living in the Netherlands for more than 4 months, you must register in the Basisregistratie Personen (BRP). You can do this at the municipality. After your registration, you will automatically receive a BSN. It may take a while before you receive your BSN. 

Are you still waiting for your BSN, but would you already like to become an ABN AMRO customer? That is possible. In that case it is important that you provide us with your BSN as soon as possible. If you do not provide your BSN on time, we will block your account after 90 days. If after 120 days we have not received a BSN from you, our relationship with you as a client will unfortunately end. 

Please note: if you have a passport from outside the EU, we will also need your proof of residence in the Netherlands. You cannot use your account until you have provided this. Read more about providing your proof of residence. 

How to provide your BSN:

Step 1: Look up your BSN

Do you have a Dutch passport, ID card or driving license? Then your BSN will be stated on any of these documents. You can also look up the number online via Mijnoverheid. Furthermore, you can find your BSN on a Dutch pay slip, annual statement, healthcare pass or healthcare policy.
Step 2: Enter your BSN
Do you have access to the ABN AMRO app or Internet Banking? Then you can provide your BSN there. This works as follows:

Via the ABN AMRO app:

  • Log in.
  • Tap 'Profile' at the bottom right of the screen. Then tap 'Personal data' and scroll down to your tax details. 
  • Under 'Burgerservicenummer (BSN)', the number ‘999999999’ is automatically filled in. Enter your own BSN here.

Via Internet Banking:

  • Log in.
  • Click on the drop-down menu in the top right-hand corner, next to your profile. Click on 'Personal data' and scroll down to your tax details. 
  • Next to 'Burgerservicenummer (BSN)', the number ‘999999999’ is automatically filled in. Enter your own BSN here.
Step 3: Done!

Was your account not blocked? Then we will process your BSN immediately. You don't have to do anything else.
Did you enter your BSN after your account was blocked? Then please contact us to unblock your account.

How to provide your BSN:

Step 1: Look up your BSN

Do you have a Dutch passport, ID card or driving license? Then your BSN will be stated on any of these documents. You can also look up the number online via Mijnoverheid. Furthermore, you can find your BSN on a Dutch pay slip, annual statement, healthcare pass or healthcare policy.

Step 2: Enter your BSN

Do you have access to the ABN AMRO app or Internet Banking? Then you can provide your BSN there. This works as follows:

Via the ABN AMRO app:

  • Log in.
  • Tap 'Profile' at the bottom right of the screen. Then tap 'Personal data' and scroll down to your tax details. 
  • Under 'Burgerservicenummer (BSN)', the number ‘999999999’ is automatically filled in. Enter your own BSN here.

Via Internet Banking:

  • Log in.
  • Click on the drop-down menu in the top right-hand corner, next to your profile. Click on 'Personal data' and scroll down to your tax details. 
  • Next to 'Burgerservicenummer (BSN)', the number ‘999999999’ is automatically filled in. Enter your own BSN here.

Step 3: Done!

Was your account not blocked? Then we will process your BSN immediately. You don't have to do anything else.
Did you enter your BSN after your account was blocked? Then please contact us to unblock your account.

Frequently asked questions about the BSN

Banks may only use your BSN if this is stated in the law. For example, we may request your BSN if we need to share information about you with the government. The government will only receive the information it really needs. 

Do we ask you to scan an ID with your BSN on it, and are we not allowed to use your BSN for that process? Then your BSN will automatically be blurred. This way, your BSN cannot be retrieved for that process.

The 2 most important laws that require banks to share information with the government and to use your BSN are: the General Law on State Taxes (Algemene Wet inzake Rijksbelastingen) and the Deposit Guarantee Scheme (Depositogarantiestelsel)

  • According to the General Law on State Taxes, banks must provide information about balances and loans to the Dutch Tax Authorities. This information allows the Dutch Tax Authorities to pre-fill income tax returns.
  • The rules of the Deposit Guarantee Scheme require banks to include their customers' BSN in bank records. This allows banks to quickly share the correct information about a customer's account balance to De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), if DNB needs it to administer the Deposit Guarantee Scheme. 
No. The Dutch Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) Act (in Dutch: Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financieren van terrorisme, or Wwft) states that banks must regularly check the identity of their customers. We do not need your BSN to do this. 

However, to check if your identity, we do need a valid ID. Sometimes, to check the authenticity of an ID, we need the BSN to be visible. If you have an older passport or identity card, we can’t check the authenticity if the BSN is not visible. With the newest Dutch passports and identity cards, the authenticity can be checked without the BSN being visible. A driver's license can also be checked for authenticity without a visible BSN. 
No, we need your BSN to comply with the law. All banks in the Netherlands are required by law to share information about their customers with the government and De Nederlandsche Bank. To exchange this information, we have to use the BSN.
It is important that you provide us with your BSN as soon as possible. If you do not provide your BSN on time, we will block your account after 90 days. If after 120 days we have not received a BSN from you, our relationship with you as a client will unfortunately end. 

Do you expect that you cannot provide your BSN in time, and do you still have money in your account? If so, be sure to transfer this money before your account is blocked. Once your account is blocked, you will no longer have access to your account.  

Do you have a negative balance when your account is terminated? Then the bank may use a debt collection agency to recover the money owed. In that case, you will have to pay interest on your negative balance and on the collection costs. 
If you have a passport from outside the EU, we first need your proof of residence in the Netherlands. Once we’ve received this, we’ll ask you to provide your BSN.
Please note: without proof of residence you can open an account, but you cannot use it yet. This is only possible after you have provided your proof of residence. Read more about providing your proof of residence.