If you choose Guided Investing, you select the Profile Fund that suits you the most. ABN AMRO Profile Funds consist of carefully selected and well diversified investment products.
If you have assets worth €50,000 or more, you can use our Portfolio Management service to have a team of investment experts invest sustainably on your behalf.
You have access to sustainable shares, bonds, investment funds, and ETFs. Select investment funds and ETFs with one click of a mouse and compare them using the Fund Selector.
If you choose Guided Investing, you select the Profile Fund that suits you the most. ABN AMRO Profile Funds consist of carefully selected and well diversified investment products.
If you have assets worth €50,000 or more, you can use our Portfolio Management service to have a team of investment experts invest sustainably on your behalf.
You have access to sustainable shares, bonds, investment funds, and ETFs. Select investment funds and ETFs with one click of a mouse and compare them using the Fund Selector.
ABN AMRO has extensive expertise in sustainable investing, with some €46 billion invested in ESG globally.
We are proud to regularly win awards for the investment products we provide to our clients.
We guide you online, help you make choices independently, or we unburden you by managing your investments. Read more about our investment options.
Investing involves risks. You could lose (some of) the money you invested. If you are going to invest, it is important that you are aware of this. Invest with money you can spare. Read more about the risks associated with investments.