You can use iDEAL to make an additional repayment or repay your loan in full, easily and securely, in the same familiar environment you use to pay for online purchases. The maximum repayment you can make using iDEAL is €50,000. Do you also want a repayment statement? You can download it as a PDF file through Internet Banking.
Make an additional repayment through Internet Banking
- Go to ‘Loan overview’
You can find all the information about your loan in a single overview here.
Loan overview - Choose between making an additional repayment or repaying in full
Do you want to make an additional repayment? Or do you want to repay your loan in full with a single lump sum? Select ‘Extra or full redemption’ and enter the amount you want to repay. - Transfer your money using iDEAL
Have you chosen to make an additional repayment or to repay your loan in full? You can use iDEAL to make your repayment easily and securely, in the same familiar environment you use to pay for online purchases.
No Internet Banking?
- Transfer your additional repayment to: NL18ABNA0839581602 in the name of ABNAMRO Kredieten B.V.
- Quote your contract number.
- We will process the additional repayment within three business days.