If you want your monthly loan payments to come out of a different account or set up a direct debit for your personal loan or flexible credit facility, keep reading to find out how to let us know. We will process your request within 3 working days.
How to submit the change to us
Send an email
Send an email to: lenen.mutaties@nl.abnamro.com, stating:
The contract number for the loan for which you want to switch contra accounts
The number of the account from which we currently debit your monthly loan payments
The number of the new account from which you want us to debit your monthly loan payments.
Attach bank statement
Attach a bank statement for the new contra account to your email. This bank statement must meet the following requirements:
It is a bank statement for a full (uninterrupted) month
All debits and credits for the month in question must be listed
Do not delete or otherwise conceal amounts or other information
Provide the documents in PDF format. We will not accept copies pasted into programs such as Paint.
We will process your change request within 3 working days.