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Fees for transferring and receiving funds

Transferring and receiving funds costs money in some cases. Take a look at all of our fees for credit transfers within and outside of SEPA.


Transferring funds in euros within SEPA*

Online credit transfers €0 per transfer
Urgent online credit transfers €5.50  per transfer
Credit transfers via a bank employee** € 16  per transfer
Standing orders € 0 per transfer
Direct debits € 0 per transfer
Credit transfer forms – 22 forms*** €11  per set
Bank envelopes – 25 envelopes*** €18.75  per set

* SEPA, the Single Euro Payments Area, includes, among other countries, the EU member states, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. SEPA credit transfers can only be made in euros. In case you want to transfer funds in a foreign currency, the fees for transferring funds in a foreign currency apply.
** In emergency situations only.
*** If you were born before 1 January 1945, credit transfer forms and bank envelopes are free of charge for you. This also applies to a joint account if one of the account holders was born before 1 January 1945.

Transferring funds in a foreign currency and/or outside of SEPA*

Are you exchanging or paying with foreign currency? In that case the Mid-rate is not applied but a Sell- or Buy-rate. The values shown in the Currency Converter are based on the Mid-rate and therefore only give an indication. No rights can be derived from it.

Online credit transfers €9  per transfer
Credit transfers via a bank employee** €25  per transfer
OUR*** Country-specific rates (PDF)

* SEPA, the Single Euro Payments Area, includes, among other countries, the EU member states, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. SEPA credit transfers can only be made in euros. In case you want to transfer funds in a foreign currency, the fees for transferring funds in a foreign currency apply.
** In emergency situations only.
*** When using the ‘OUR’ option for international credit transfers, you pay both ABN AMRO’s charges as well as the fees charged by the foreign bank.

Receiving funds from abroad

Receiving euros within the eurozone* €0 per transfer
Receiving foreign currency and/or funds from outside of SEPA* €9  per transfer
*SEPA, the Single Euro Payments Area, includes, among other countries, the EU member states, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

Other fees for credit transfers in a foreign currency and/or outside of SEPA*

Supplementary fee (for incomplete or incorrect credit transfers) €20  per transfer
Complaints and/or inquiries €25 plus any costs charged by the foreign bank
Costs for stopping or cancelling a credit transfer €25 plus any costs charged by the foreign bank

*SEPA, the Single Euro Payments Area, includes, among other countries, the EU member states, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

Cheques no longer accepted from 2020

As of 1 January 2020, you can no longer cash cheques with us, as they are too expensive to process. You can tell the party who wants to give you a cheque that you can no longer accept cheques. You will find a letter below in English that you can send to this party, explaining why you can no longer accept cheques.